Breaking Barriers, Reuniting Families

What is the ReUnite Project?

VECINA’s ReUnite project is the only program in the United States of its kind. This unique program is dedicated to facilitating the swift release and reunification of detained unaccompanied immigrant children with their family members and other loved ones, known as “sponsors,” through pro bono legal services and individualized support. Unaccompanied children who have been apprehended by U.S. immigration authorities are placed into grim, overcrowded detention facilities operated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Without ReUnite’s services, most of these children’s sponsors would have no help navigating the reunification process, leading to the prolonged detention of the children they love. When children’s sponsors do not have adequate support in the reunification process, many children spend weeks or months in ORR custody, and some children are detained for more than a year.

With no other non-profit operating in this space, the ReUnite Project addresses a critical gap in existing legal service infrastructure. Through ReUnite, we aim to ensure that sponsors approximately 90% of whom are a blood relative of the children and 50% are a biological parent of the children – receive the necessary legal support to navigate the complex reunification process and overcome systemic barriers. Most sponsors are marginalized and economically disadvantaged, and otherwise would not receive legal support.

By prioritizing family unity and leveraging our expertise and extensive network of volunteers, ReUnite works to expedite the release of children from detention and place them with trusted family members or other loved ones in the United States. This innovative approach not only aligns with principles of justice, but also contributes to the broader goal of improving outcomes for families seeking life-saving protections in the United States. Through targeted advocacy and direct legal support, ReUnite is committed to upholding the rights of children and their sponsors by addressing the immediate needs of those affected by family separation.

Since VECINA launched the ReUnite Project in March of 2021, we have assisted more than 1,300 unaccompanied immigrant children – many of whom have fled persecution and horrific violence in their countries of origin – with family reunification. Through our efforts and the generosity of our donors and volunteers, we have assisted families from 31 countries, speaking 29 different languages, in reuniting and beginning the journey toward healing together.

Get Involved


Please contact ReUnite Project Director Molly Chew at